Our commitment to your privacy

We know how important it is that your personal information is protected. Our procedures relating to personal information are designed to ensure that you are fully protected under Australian privacy laws. Any information that we collect is handled sensitively, securely, and by the Australian Privacy Principles.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect personal information when you send us emails, submit electronic queries to us, subscribe to our mailing lists or speak to one of our representatives.

This personal information may include your name, contact number, email and mailing address, as well as details of the investment options you express interested.

Without this your personal data, we may be unable to provide our products or services to you.

What is the other information do we collect?

When browsing, or searching our site, our server automatically collects navigational data to help us improve our website content and navigation. It is a standard practice where websites gather this data that gives us the ability to monitor usage of our site and improve website navigation experience and content.

One way which navigational data is collect is through the use of “cookies.” Cookies are a small amount of information that is transferred to your browser from our web server. The cookie serves as a memory and can remember your favourite search details. Cookies are designed to save you time when you come to visit our site again.

You may choose not to accept cookies on your browser by clicking a pop button that appears on your screen. It will not adversely affect your experience when visiting our website.

How will your information be used?

Your personal data may be used and disclosed as followings:

* In providing you the products and services we offer;

* Offering you products & services via our marketing;

* To investigate or resolve complaints concerning the services; and

* Any other disclosures as permitted under the Act or required by law.

How we keep your personal information data safe?

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal data is not lost or misused. We will also reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify your personal data that we no longer need it, however, in some instances, your information will not be destroyed due to legal or accounting requirements.

Can you access your personal data we hold about you?

You have the right to gain access to your personal data at any time, by just calling our office and requesting your data. A fee may apply to us providing you access to personal information.

If you would like to correct or access any personal information we hold about you, please contact us on enquiry@bridgingcrowd.com.au or by phoning us on 1300 991 121

How often should you check this privacy policy?

We may from time to time amend our privacy policy and as such should check the website regularly for any changes made.